Wednesday 11 February 2009

Neville Brody

Neville Brody was born 23rd April 1957 in Southgate, London and he still alive today. At school Brody  studied A level art, he went onto do a Fine art foundation then onto a course at Hornsey college of art. In the late sixties he went to Middlesex University. He went onto study at the London college of Printing, this is where he started his three year graphics B.A.  Brody started out designing posters while he studied at London college of printing. He was throw out of college as he put the queens head side wards on a postage stamp design. 
He worked for an independent record label called ‘Fetish’, this is how he was know for album covers.
‘The Face’ magazine was a magazine that Brody was an art director  from 1981 to 1986. Brody’s designs where classed as post modern designs.
He also designed font for ‘The Times’ newspaper. 

Neville Brody work

This is one of the front covers of  'The Face'  magazine, issue one. This was produced in 1980.
  • He uses a few colours for the text, I think he uses these to make it stand out from the photograph
  • Brody uses different sizes of fonts
  • It has a text box for the title which has a two different colours 
  • He uses the use of symbol text within the title.
I think this is quiet a simple magazine cover design but very effective for the time but I personal think it would not interest people as much these days as there is a lot more changing within magazine covers, but I do think it would as it is simple compared to the very complexed designs today.

This is one of Brody's album covers, this was for Desmond Dekker and his Black and Dekker album. This was produced in 1980.
  • It looks to have been drawn of a person, the drawing has contrasing tones 
  • Uses a lot of dark colours
  • The image has a white outlin that fades into blue
  • simple red text which has been linked to the edge of the album civer by the lines used
  • simple
I find this interesting because of the style of drawing because it has a definite outline and the very contrasting tones used which I think makes it stand out soo much. I think most designs that are drawn like this are produced in a subtle way.
This is a book cover design which was produced in 1986.
  • a mixture of colour within the background
  • image is a drawing
  • black and white image stands out on the background
  • the the logo of publisher is larger 
  • emphasis on the word city in the title by the use of a large section of blue
  • different style of font for each word of the title
  • different sizes of text
Brody has a lot going on within this book cover as he has useda combination of colour and black and white which I think makes it stand out even more. I found how he had used different styles of text for the title interesting as it was an obvious change because of colour and size which I thought he was trying to add emphasis to the words to  give away with the story line.

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